Home Auto Parts Services From an Auto Parts Store

Services From an Auto Parts Store

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You may be accustomed to taking your car to a mechanic when you have a concern or when an issue occurs. Many car problems are probably within your ability to resolve yourself, with a little help from the associates at an auto parts store.


Perhaps you don’t know the exact nature of the issue with your car. It may be making a funny noise or you think the alternator is failing. Stop in at an auto parts store to inquire about the use of diagnostic machines to determine what’s wrong with your car. Common testing services include testing the alternator, battery, and voltage regulator. Many companies can also test additional engine components for customers. After you receive this free testing, you can ensure that you purchase the precise auto parts you need for your car without guessing about the nature of the problem.

Loaner Tools

Performing your own car maintenance or working on a problem typically requires specialty tools. Because you’re likely not a car mechanic with your own collection of tools to get the job done, you may think you will need to buy tools to complete the work. Check with your local auto parts store to find out whether the company loans tools out to customers. Generally, you’ll need to supply your identification and you will need to pay a specified amount for the loan. The payment could be equal to the value of the tool, or it could be less. You will then have use of the tool to work on your vehicle. Once you finish the job, return the tool to the business. As long as all components of the item are present and functional, you will receive your payment back in full.

Charging the Battery

A dead battery can put the brakes on your whole day. Instead of calling a tow truck or getting your neighbor to jump-start your vehicle, simply remove the battery and take it to an auto parts store for free charging. Typically, the charging process takes less than an hour and then you’ll be on your way again.

Recycling Program

When you change your own oil, you may wonder what to do with the old oil. Pour it into used containers and take it to an auto parts store for free recycling. Most companies also accept used batteries in a similar recycling program.

National Database

Keeping track of warranties and purchase dates for the items you purchase and install in your vehicle can be challenging. Many companies maintain a national database for their customers, eliminating the need to keep your own detailed records. Anytime you need to know when you installed a part or whether it’s still under warranty, just contact your auto parts store and have a representative look up your account on their computer.

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